Home > Take the Pledge! Pledge to make a difference in your watershed! Everyone lives in a watershed! A watershed is an area of land that water flows across as it moves toward a common body of water, such as a stream, river, lake or coast. What you do in and around your home impacts your watershed. Even the smallest home and yard changes can make a big difference along your waterfront and possibly save you money. Take the Protect Kittery Waters watershed pledge to commit to protect Kittery’s water resources.
the Watershed Pledge! If you pledge to adopt or continue 5 watershed-friendly practices, you’ll receive a Protect Kittery Waters yard sign! If you can pledge for 6 to 10 practices, you’ll get an extra rain drop added to your sign. And, the highest honor – get all 3 drops if you pledge to adopt 11 or more practices! Take the pledge: As a citizen of the watershed, I pledge to adopt or continue the following practices: |
Kittery Waters - The Spruce Creek Watershed Improvement Project (Phase
1) © 2008-2009 Town of Kittery. All rights reserved. . |