Stormwater runoff is one of the largest water quality concerns in Spruce Creek. There are two primary problems associated with stormwater runoff: the increase volume and rate of runoff from impervious (paved) surfaces, and the concentration of pollutants in the runoff. In order to address stormwater runoff issues in the Spruce Creek Watershed, the Project will implement LID techniques at specific sites.
LID is an approach to environmentally friendly land use planning. It includes a suite of landscaping and design techniques that attempt to maintain the natural, pre-developed ability of a site to manage rainfall. LID techniques capture water on site, filter it through vegetation, and let it soak into the ground where it can recharge the local water table (groundwater) rather than being lost as surface runoff. An important LID principle includes the idea that stormwater is not merely a waste product to be disposed of, but rather that rainwater is a resource. The LID approach protects the natural ability of the site to capture precipitation, keep it clean and allow it to recharge the local water table.
At a small scale, LID techniques can be used to better handle rainfall for a single family lot through rain barrels and rain gardens. At a larger scale, proper site design in combination with many landscaping and infiltration techniques distributed throughout a development, cumulatively improve rainfall and run off management.
The LID Project Team will implement two large-scale and two smaller-scale stormwater retrofit LID demonstration projects. One of the large-scale sites is the parking lot at Bob’s Clam Hut. The Project Team will work with the owner and plant manager to provide consulting and design services to ensure their already-planned parking lot improvements maximize stormwater control. The three other projects will also be located either at the Town Hall or in the commercial “outlets” area, and will include two smaller sites (for example a curb-cut to a tree well) and a larger site (one which handles a larger area of stormwater runoff, such as a planted parking lot median).
Because the focus of this whole project is not only the reduction of stormwater impacts, but also the ability to educate others about methods of control, it will be important to develop these “showcase” sites where town boards and officials can demonstrate innovative stormwater control methods and show these best management practices in use. Final site selection will be determined on the basis of technical feasibility, cost-effectiveness, opportunity for demonstration to other commercial and municipal entities, and feasibility of maintenance. Site designs will be sent to Maine DEP for review and approval. Site selection will be completed in year one and installation will be complete within two years.
Grant Funding $24,635
Match $50,640
Total Cost $72,275
Grant funding includes approximately 140 hours from the grant manager and 100 hours of a technical advisor from York County Soil & Water conservation District (YCSWCD). Additional funding has been included for travel expenses for these two project staff as well as $500 for supplies. There will also be $5,000 for an engineering consultant and $10,000 for construction. There is the potential for some of these funds to be shared across other projects under the grant as well. The matching funds include businesses, volunteers, and Town employee’s time and travel expenses for this work, as well as $1,000 in-kind from the Town for use of the GIS system. Additionally, the Town will match the construction monies with $20,000 and the retailers will match $17,000. There is also $400 for supplies as in-kind match.
Responsibilities include:
Task |
Estimated Date(s) |
Steering Team & Project Launch Meeting |
23, 2008 |
Team Launch Meeting |
23, 2008 |
with retail outlet, Maine DOT & TOK representatives to identify
locations for stormwater management demonstration sites and report
back to whole committee & project manager |
2008 |
and become familiar with Best management Practices (BMPs) & technologies
recommended by specialists |
2009 |
all relevant follow-up meetings with specialists and report back to
team |
2008 – July 2009 |
all relevant reports & data generated by specialists |
2008 – July 2009 |
with Community Outreach Team to produce press release and publicize
tour of demonstration projects; design & produce signage |
2009 |
with Community Outreach Team to
organize & conduct site tour |
2009 |
The following are team leaders and members, as well as any technical advisors for this team.
Team Members |
Organization/Affiliation |
Dave Gooch |
Glenn Shwaery |
Jeff Clifford |
Megan Kline |
Technical Advisor |
Organization/Affiliation |
Cayce Dalton / Forrest Bell |
York County Soil & Water Conservation
District |
University of |
Project Partners |
Organization/Affiliation |
Rick Rossiter |
Town of |
Maine Department of Public Transport |
Bob’s Clam Hut |
Town of |
Greater |