
SCWIP Project Overview


The Spruce Creek Watershed Improvement Project (Phase 1) (SCWIP-1) will address polluted runoff problems to reduce bacteria loading and the export of sediment and nutrients into Spruce Creek to improve water quality and help re-open shellfish harvest areas. The secondary purpose is to continue to raise community awareness in this watershed, with the long-term goal of improving and protecting the water quality of Spruce Creek and the Piscataqua River Estuary.

Please let us know if you'd like to participate in the project in any way.

Project Duration

Project start date: April 2008
Project completion date: March 2010

Estimated Total Cost, Federal & Non-Federal Sources
Federal Grant (319): $69,670
Non-Federal Match: $106,326
Total: $175,996

Project Outcome

1. At least twenty-two NPS sites treated with BMPs.

2. At least 500 watershed citizens and visitors directly educated

Environmental Results

1. Pollutants controlled: Reductions of sediment (tons/year), nitrogen (lbs/yr) and phosphorus (lbs/year) will be estimated for NPS sites treated with BMPs. Estimated tons of sediment kept out of Spruce Creek by addressing high and medium impact sites.

2. Water Quality Improvement: Improvement in river water quality is a long-term measure of environmental results of NPS abatement in the watershed. The final project report will include a summary of the current status of water quality as reported by the quality-assured efforts of the volunteer Spruce Creek Association. The summary will describe progress reopening the shellfish harvest area.

Interagency Coordination, Roles & Responsibilities

Grantee: The Town of Kittery

Project Teams

Volunteer leaders are vital to the Town of Kittery’s efforts to reduce the stormwater impacts and protect and restore the quality of Spruce Creek. The contributions of time and expertise to team membership are our most important and valued resource.
SCWIP-I Project Teams include:

Project Photos

Visit the Protect Kittery Waters photo site at

Grant Documentation

Glossary of Acronyms
Protect Kittery Waters Letterhead (Word format, 125 Kb)
List of Team Particpants & Contact Information (PDF format, 18 Kb)
Volunteer Information and Reporting Instructions (PDF format, 45 Kb)
Volunteer Time Sheet (Word format, 78 Kb)
Volunteer Time Sheet (PDF format, 267 Kb)
In-Kind Services "Match" Form (PDF format, 31Kb)

Recruiting Volunteers
Volunteer Poster (PDF format, 190 Kb)
Volunteer Invitation (PDF format, 168Kb)
Volunteer 2-Page Flyer (PDF format, 61 Kb)