
SCWIP Steering Team


The Steering Team will guide project activities and monitor the activities of each of the teams.

Grant Funding $3,920
Match $9,112
Total Cost $13,032

The grant funding will cover approximately 60 hours of the Grant Manager and 40 hours of assistance from YCSWCD. The Match funds come from the volunteers and participant’s time in attending the four Steering Team meetings throughout the project.

Responsibilities include:

Activity Dates & Commitments

The following are estimated times and dates for various team activities.


Estimated Date(s)

First Steering Team & Project Launch Meeting

June 23, 2008

Individual Project Team Launch Meetings

July 23, 2008

Second Steering Team Meeting

March 2009

Assist in producing Semiannual Report

May 2009

Third Steering Team Meeting

June 2009

Assist in producing Semiannual Report

November 2009

Fourth Steering Team Meeting

March 2010


Steering Team Members & Advisors

The following are team leaders and members, as well as any technical advisors for this team.

Team Members


Sue Cobler (Leader)

319 Grant Manager, Town of Kittery

Forrest Bell

FB Environmental / York County Soil and Water Conservation District (YC-SWCD)

Jonathan Carter

Town Manager, Town of Kittery

Phyllis Ford

Steering Commitee, Spruce Creek Association

Paula Ledgett

Steering Commitee, Spruce Creek Association

Technical Advisor


Don Kale

Maine Department of Environmental Protection (DEP)