Erosion at stream crossings contributes a great deal of sediment loading into the Spruce Creek Watershed. These sediments may contain nutrients and pollutants contributing to the degraded water quality. Suspended sediments also cause decreased productivity in the creek by reducing light penetration.
The Stream Crossings Team will provide technical assistance for stabilizing eight high priority eroding stream crossings including the replacement of two failing culverts to reduce pollutant loading and improve aquatic habitat throughout the watershed.
Grant Funding $6,010
Match $17,850
Total Cost $23,860
Grant funding includes approximately 60 hours of technical advisor from YCSWCD and 40 hours for the grant manager. Additional budget is included for travel expenses, and $2,000 for contractual engineering consultant. Match funding will come from Town employees, volunteers, and participants working on the tasks, in-kind travel expenses, and $10,000 in construction from the Town of Kittery for construction of culverts.
Responsibilities include:
Task |
Estimated Date(s) |
First Steering Team & Project
Launch Meeting |
June 23, 2008 |
Stream Crossings Team Launch Meeting |
July 23, 2008 |
Review available information and
data to identify potential sites |
July 2008 |
Meet with DPW to review and then
identify sites |
July 2008 |
Contact homeowners and towns at identified
residential and town sites (respectively)
August – September 2008 |
Conduct site inspections at each
site |
October 2008 |
Draft Letters of Agreement for each
site |
January – February 2009 |
Develop signage and arrange for printing |
Spring 2009 |
Obtain design solutions, and oversee
construction ay each site |
Spring – Summer 2009 |
Coordinate with Community Outreach
Team to develop and submit press releases and arrange for site tours |
Summer 2009 |
Coordinate with Community Outreach
Team to organize & conduct
site tour |
October 2009 |